UK Financial Services Industry: What is the Importance of a Good Financial Education in UK Finance?

(Finance Jobs in UK lockdown, 2021 update)

5 min readFeb 23, 2021

Locked-down. How do I get a job in the UK Finance industry?

Since you’re considering a career in the UK finance sector; you have most likely looked into financial education and you might already know the career-building importance of qualifications like an MBA, and other common financial certifications.

In this article, you will learn how the CIFA® can help you get jobs in UK finance today, and we will explore more direct and updated routes into the UK financial system, despite Covid-19 pandemic restrictions or the lockdowns.

Here are some of the key points to expect:

  • The importance of qualifications/certifications in UK finance.
  • What you can do with a professional finance certification.
  • Cheaper, contemporary, and pro-lockdown qualifications required for success in the UK finance sector.
  • Short-term certification courses in finance. An example of contemporary and affordable certificates for jobs in UK finance. (What is an IAC certificate?)
  • Some examples of newly emerging and currently trending qualifications in UK finance.

Let’s get started!

What is the importance of having qualifications in UK finance?

To get into the UK finance sector, finance qualifications are necessary. Some financial qualifications are tailored for specific branches of finance whilst others are more broad-spectrum.

These qualifications, tailored or broad; pave the way for professionals in the field of finance, and are very quick ways to acquire jobs in the industry as not only are they recognised by companies in UK finance, but they also prove that you are aware of the regulations and ethics required in the finance industry.

CIFA professional financial qualifications provide all the essential knowledge needed for dealing with private, public, and corporate clients in the finance industry.

In the 21st century, the global economy has been constantly evolving, and since the emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic, the finance industry had no choice but to drastically change overnight to adapt. This new era in finance means that those used to the traditional methods of acquiring qualifications and certifications in finance are now left wondering how to get into the industry or how to proceed with their long and now delayed financial qualifications as they can hardly leave their homes.

If you are stuck trying to complete long term expensive qualifications in UK finance during a lockdown, unsure when you will finish or if you can afford to, you are not alone.

You might not have heard, however, since 2020 there have been much more adapted ways into the UK finance industry. This does not mean that the traditional certifications in UK finance have become entirely obsolete, but these certifications were never at all tailored for the current state of the world.

There are now much more efficient ways to pursue roles and careers in the UK finance industry. CIFA Education Management has structured short-term certifications that are more affordable for both tailored and broad-spectrum areas of the UK and global finance industry. Our certifications provide you with essential qualifications to operate in today’s UK finance system without the long wait or uneasy expenses.

What are the best UK finance qualifications in 2021 and where can I find them?

One of the currently fast-growing short-term courses in UK finance is the IAC (Investment Advisor Certificate). Numerous graduates and professionals seeking further certifications have become very interested in this finance certificate and with good reason.

Not only is the IAC short-term with only 140hours of study time and can be completed in two-three weeks, but the CIFA IAC also provides all the relevant knowledge needed to be a financial advisor anywhere in the world.

The CIFA Investment Advisor Certificate

The IAC programme covers FCA and PRA supervisory objectives, principles and processes, as well as the FCA and PRA authorisation of firms and individuals, including the regulatory framework relating to financial crime complaints and redress. The IAC programme also entails the FCA Conduct of Business, Fair Treatment and Client Money Protection.

The CIFA Investment Advisor Certificate is also suitable for finance graduates who need to stand out from the crowd by enhancing their knowledge of UK Financial regulations, and showcase their commitment to further development in the financial industry before undertaking higher-level FCA regulated qualifications.

The CIFA IAC is an in-depth and detailed programme that will help enhance your CV, professional integrity, and skills. The programme is designed to make you one of today’s most appealing candidates within the financial services sector.

The IAC is tutored by highly experienced professional instructors from across the globe. The programme is structured for affordability and is a rapidly growing tool for assistance with getting jobs in the UK and international financial industry.

The CIFA IAC is also an online programme and can be completed entirely on-the-go, making it amply possible to be certified in finance regardless of any ongoing lockdown restrictions including social distancing.

The UK financial sector has come to hugely appreciate and demand finance certificates now more than ever, and the IAC is a current-era master key into the finance industry.

Click here for more details about the IAC and how it works.

Some other professional financial certifications adapted to help you get jobs in UK finance today include:

… and more.

Now that you know getting jobs in UK finance today do not have to give you heartburns, and the best finance certifications don’t have to cost so much, it is important to remember you cannot simply pick a finance certification because it is trending or on the rise.

It is important to pay attention to your career-building in the right way. Pick the right certifications for yourself!

If in doubt, CIFA Education Management is the right place to look, you will most assuredly get the right kind of advice/guidance before you proceed with your financial qualification and career.




The Certified Institute for Further Accreditation (CIFA) is a training provider that develops uniquely tailored job-applicable professional certifications.