How do I succeed in selling courses online? (2021)

As a body of accredited leading professionals in today’s online learning world, the CIFA (Certified Institute for Further Accreditation) are steadfast in our commitment to effective and successful online learning. We encourage more teachers and professionals in any niche to share their knowledge with the world more interactively, effectively, profitably and affordably with CIFA. (https://www.cifa.ac/?AffiliateId=fb34f6d2b64cdc9f32c5ab31be47e78d)
Sharing knowledge across the world is our passion, and sometimes that means not waiting for every educational instructor to join us. In this article, we will give you nine valuable tips that will help you become highly successful in selling courses online.
Let's get you ready for success in your online courses.
Inform and excite your students.
From the very onset of your course, you need to be clear about what your students will be learning, and how they will be learning. It is extremely important that your students know they are there to add much-needed value to their lives, and how it will help improve them individually and professionally.
At this point, you should already know what they need, and let them know they’ll find the relevant answers with you, and develop the right skills by taking your course. Your students should be happy to take your course and have something strong to look forward to.
Let your students elect.
Every student prefers a course where they can choose where to start. Aside from exceptional circumstances, it’s always better to let them decide where they would like to start. Let them have the freedom to choose how they might prefer to absorb the information you have provided, as different learners have different personalities, and thus different systems and intake structures. This method also allows for a higher success rate for you as an instructor.
Keep your courses interactive.
The best online courses worldwide are more interactive ones. Allow your students, to have some time to interact with you and even each other, that option allows a free exchange of knowledge, it also lets them feel safer with you. You can make use of webinars, emails, and an emailing or in-built system where students can reach out to each other.
A direct approach to learning is always more successful, and many students find this inspiring.
Assist student concentration and focus.
Online learning can be very tricky for students. They are mostly always using gadgets which they also use for other entertainment purposes. Either way, distraction is very easily possible in e-learning. Constantly leave your students some light reminders, nothing too intrusive or personal.
Set your courses to have frequent short tasks that encourage students to continually engage in their studies, and leave reminders of future tasks often. This way you don’t lose your students focus, otherwise, you will be doing a lot of heavy lifting trying to get their minds back to the classroom, or dealing with students who forgot to do the tasks or aren’t prepared.
Inspire inter-student assessment.
When students can review each other’s tasks, it enables them to assess their own efforts and skills, thus improving their abilities and allowing them to see what you’re teaching from various perspectives.
This is very healthy for your classroom, and sometimes helps to answer half the questions you students might have had.
Encourage students to share their knowledge.
It works a great deal in online learning, to allow students to contribute to the classroom through projects and tasks. That way you not only educate your students but also empower them to become more. By the time they are done with the courses, your students should already have an idea of how to use the acquired knowledge as a result of these tasks. This way, you also know what your students are capable of, and what they need.
Let your students feel at home.
In their lives, most students make use of videos, movies, social media chat groups, video games, and the like. It’s easier to teach successfully using familiar methods. The use of tools such as chat rooms, descriptive videos, and other social interactive or entertaining tools creates huge success in online learning. For example, watching an interesting movie about a topic in your course, then being asked to talk about it in relation to the course content, works every-time.
Questions based on topics taught via social methods are also mostly the top well-answered in examinations and assessments.
Engage in purposeful conversations.
Teaching is one side of the coin, learning is the other. Your students learn easier when the conversations they have in class are meaningful and brain-tasking. Engage in analytical discussion, let them brainstorm often, challenge each other's questions and answers, and so on. Ask if anyone sees a different meaning, or gets a different message, then ask if anyone agrees or disagrees. Make sure every student gets involved. Your students might surprise you often, and again, you get to know them better.
Do this often.
Make room for every student.
Flexibility is vital to the success of online education. Education should not be a challenge for anyone. Pay attention to each student’s needs and find out if they have any challenges attending your classes. You never know who might not have good or frequent internet access, thus the use of PDFs, PowerPoint slides, and so on. Downloadable contents go a long way in online courses.
Be there for ALL your students.
If you are interested in successfully teaching online, then we are very excited to share a few very useful tips for success with you. For better ways to sell your courses and achieve tremendous success teaching online, you can register with us at https://www.cifa.ac/home/instructor_page/3/?AffiliateId=fb34f6d2b64cdc9f32c5ab31be47e78d today, and also begin making real money watching your classroom grow.
We currently have over 300million students and prospective students globally, and your courses will be marketed independently by us for free, with you setting your course prices and keeping 90% of all your earnings.
CIFA Education Management believes in doing our part to promote effective quality education, professional development, and assisting the world during these transition through the pandemic.
We hope you enjoyed our article.